24 June 2010

Around and About

Its officially winter now, LOOK!

Winter is nice here by the coast, it is chilly, I won't lie, but nothing compared to the midwest. Gotta love being able to go for a walk or drive on a sunday and not worry about ice and snow.

The luckiest sheep in the world.
Met some new friends, learned about 'superman jumps.' You run down the hall and jump into a crowd of people who catch you. Pretty much awesome.

Remember that post about the mead? Here it is, in the bottle. We had a wee nip and it actually tasted good (and no Jim I did not go blind). Here are a few bottles, we'll see how long we can manage to age them.

16 June 2010


A combined birthday present to ourselves was a weekend in Wanaka, a relaxed little town that serves as a base for ski sports in winter. It's a laid back alternative to Queenstown, adventure sports capital (and birthplace of bungee). We lazed around, watched a couple of movies, napped and went on some short hikes. Wanaka is set on a gorgeous lake.

This is where you build if you have vaults of spare cash lying around.

We stayed in a house built from haybales from the field right next to it! The walls are plastered and all of the edges are rounded, giving it a very cosy feel. Here's the view from the balcony.

Justin's banana chocolate birthday pancake!

Wanaka is home to the greatest movie theatre on earth: full of old couches and yes, that is a morris minor. They stop for intermission and serve fresh hot cookies and pizza and even after an hour of stomach-turning cannibalism in our movie those cookies stirred up our appetites.

NZ loves its themed junk tied to fences (toothbrushes, bras...). Here we discover a fence full of bike carcasses along a rail way line converted to a multi-day bike trail. We want to ride this thing on some operational bikes some day.

A classic New Zealand scene: sheep, grass and mountains. The sheep always stare, it gets a little disconcerting.