It been two months and about 9,000 miles, the biggest question people ask is "how is the Astro?"
Well..... she's still running, BUT there are a few issues...
#1 - The check engine light. Yeah, its been on since Eau Claire Wisconsin day one of the trip

#2 - Side window. I managed to break it way back in Ft. Collins while trying to fix it (it wouldn't shut tight). Now we have some cardboard in it.

#3 - Side mirror. On our way out of Portland, OR Kate managed to "bump" the side mirror on the highway, causing it to break. Here is a before and after.

#4 - Gas milage. The first month of the trip we were getting about 16mpg on average. Since leaving the west coast we've face a sad downward decline. Currently we are getting 11 or 12 mpg. Could it be the cold rainy weather? Something to do with the check engine light that has been on since day 1? is the van suicidal? Probably all the of the above.

#5 - Headlights. For some unknown reason (maybe a fuse blew out?) the regular headlights stopped working when we were in the UP of Michigan. Now we just get to drive around with our high beams on and make the other drivers happy.

Going strong!
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