We stayed with Becca, who hadn't done laundry in a month or 2 so we decided to use team power to lug all the laundry downstairs, walk it to the laundromat and have a drink next door while it washed. In the picture below you can see Becca on the phone with Alexa who is foolishly offering to do Becca's laundry if we will instead meet her at another bar (one with free pizza!) So we did, we had a couple beers with the laundry cart in the bar and Alexa took it all home and washed it. Impressive friendship.

We only had one full day in NY so decided to explore somewhere new. We had the obligatory delicious bagel for breakfast before hopping on the subway to Queens, remember, the place where Eddie Murphy found his bride in Coming to America?
The MoMa (Musuem of Modern Art) has an outpost there that had loads of cool stuff, including these structures in the courtyard:

and a swimming pool to be viewed from above or below. I want to turn my bedroom into this:

Across the street is a building where people can apply to graffiti.

We rounded out our visit with Molly and Darren, raw food, Philipino food, ice cream, and baked goods. Most of our tourism seems to revolve around food.
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